Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

Operation Lose Weight Reduce Risk of Diabetes Complications



Operation Lose Weight Reduce Risk of Diabetes Complications


Jakarta, patients with type 2 diabetes who perform weight loss surgery Agency have a lower risk of complications naturally. Unfortunately, is still a bit of a diabetic patient who wants to do this operation. The study, done by Karen Coleman of Kaiser Permanente, California, at 4. 863 diabetic patients show the risk of complications in the eyes, and nerves can do shrink with weight loss surgery Agency. Those who perform weight loss surgery Agency in the know have blood sugar stable. Within a year, the risk of complications nerves, eyes and kidneys shrank 29%. The risk of complications is to shrink 19% every year if your blood sugar is always kept in a stable condition and had never experienced additions. See also: Study: Body Fat Can 'Spread' Mother to Child PerempuannyaGula stable blood can reduce the risk of disabilities encounter in the future, said Karen, taken from Reuters. It took note, some of the major participants in this study is a diabetic patient also experienced obesity. Damage to the eyes, nerves and kidneys appear due to damaged blood vessels because of obesity facing a. Dr. Dr. H. Dadang Ma'mun, SpPD-KGEH from Cipto Mangunkusumo, conveying other measures to reduce the risk of complications in diabetic patients is to educate. Education for diabetic patients include how to control blood sugar, regulate foods and other healthy routine. Diabetes was a disease that can not be cured, but that diabetic patients can still live a normal and healthy life. One of the steps was to educate about the disease, he said. Education itself also has the objective to avoid the complications of diabetes. If already in progress, the disease will make patient morbidity and even mortality tails, close to Dr. Dadang. Read also: Eating Well Tips for Diabetics When Fasting (mrs / vit)



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